The top management of POLANSKÝ s.r.o. has declared the following:


where it has disclosed the company’s quality-related intentions and directions in the execution of construction contracts, with emphasis placed on the permanent improvement of all company-wide processes and the achievement of customer and employees’ satisfaction and enhancing the organization’s success:

  • Customer focus– we strive to understand, cater to, and foresee all customer demands and future needs.
  • Leadership – leaders know and make use of their team members’ abilities and create an environment to encourage their engagement in the achievement of the company’s goals.
  • Employee engagement – employees are led towards utilizing all their abilities to the company’s benefit and for their own satisfaction from work well done and their professional growth. Employees are permanently educated at all management levels. Every employee and other stakeholders may submit their suggestions and observations, either through the employees’ OHS representative or through an entry in the book of observations.
  • Process management approach – we use process management methods to make our corporate activities simpler and more efficient.
  • System approach to management – based on the company’s strategy, we create conditions for planning interrelated processes and their goals up to the employee level.
  • Constant improvement – we put the constant improvement principle into practice by introducing balanced methods for planning, implementing and managing all necessary activities and by adopting adequate measures.
  • Information-based decision-making – we enhance the quality of decision-making processes by choosing the right methods for collecting, measuring, analysing, and evaluating data and information and for improving the employees’ ability to apply such methods.
  • Mutually beneficial relationships – we strengthen the partnership principle in the relationships with key customers and suppliers based on trust, communication, and shared values and information.


The aim is to achieve and preserve such level of all environment protection activities that allows minimizing the negative impact of our activities on the environment and reflects positively even on the quality of our construction contracts. The foundation of our care for the environment is an efficient environmental management system in the building and development of which in our company’s business conditions we will:

  • keep on improving our environmental management processes and environmental profile in compliance with state-of-the-art technical and scientific knowledge, our customers’ demands, and the wider public’s expectations;
  • observe and actively apply relevant legal requirements and other duties pertaining to environment protection, and carry out regular compliance evaluations;
  • strive to make our products and services environment-friendly and respectful for the principle of sustainable utilization of natural sources and, concurrently, permanently minimize the risk of emergency situations posing a threat to health, property and the environment;
  • promote gradual application of these environmental policy principles on the part of our product and service providers and suppliers to make them compliant with our environmental criteria;
  • systematically prepare and motivate our employees towards pursuing their activities in an environmentally responsible manner;
  • continuously communicate environmental issues with the authorities, self-administrations, customers, and the wider public with the aim at improving the environment.


The aim is to create, at our permanent workplaces and construction sites, safe and eco-friendly work conditions, minimizing the risk of an impact on workers and the surroundings, with the help of an occupational health and safety management system. The top management undertakes to:

  • adhere to all legal requirements and other duties intended for creating safe and wholesome work conditions;
  • permanently improve the work conditions and environment for everyone;
  • regularly verify and evaluate the company’s occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS) and set relevant goals and values to this effect;
  • place emphasis on preventing risk to health or life of workers and minimize the impacts of their activities on their health;
  • insist on our partners and suppliers adhering to all safety work rules and adopting an active approach to OHSMS issues;
  • openly communicate and cooperate with our employees, the state administration, customers, and the wider public regarding the state of compliance with all company-wide OHSMS activities.

The top management of POLANSKÝ s.r.o. commits to creating the resources and conditions necessary to push forward and apply the above policies and standards at all management levels while giving a lead. The same approach will be expected at all other levels of management.

Ostrava, 16 December 2019

Bohuslav Raszka
Management Member